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AQUIS Chevron Lisse Luxe Hair Towel

I’d always heard that you shouldn't use a traditional towel to dry your hair, but I ignored it for ages, until I recently switched to using a 100% cotton t-shirt and was amazed at the frizz reduction and moisture retention.

So when I got the opportunity to upgrade from my cotton t-shirt and try the AQUIS Chevron Lisse Luxe Hair Towel I jumped at it. AQUIS Towels were created by American Entrepreneur Britta Cox, because she struggled to keep her hair looking and feeling great with conventional towels and dryers.

She has worked with a Korean lab to develop Aquitex, an absorbent fabric that soaks up water from the hair without the friction and damage from rubbing your hair dry. The idea is you just wrap your hair with the towel and AQUIS does the rest.

Britta states that when your hair is wet it is very delicate, super stretchy, swollen and in need of some love. This is when the damage occurs and is the root of many hair problems such as frizz, so it’s important to get your hair dry fast, but with as little friction as possible. Mistreatment of wet hair can lead to frizz and even worse sometimes irreparable damage, she says wrapping in AQUIS (rather than rubbing with regular towels) can help prevent this. Apparently the towel has gained a cult following, as many customers found in just three weeks that the health of the hair improved dramatically.

The Lisse Luxe Hair Towel is said to be great for normal, curly, fine or damaged hair that requires gentle treatment. It’s long rectangular shape which is great as it makes wrapping the towel and keeping it in place a breeze - no more balancing acts with big bulky towels. I have to say even when using conventional towels, I never rub my hair dry, I just wrap it up and remove it once my hair is no longer dripping wet. I had also already switched to a cotton t-shirt, so I didn’t notice any extra frizz reduction, but my hair was dry quicker as promised.

However I felt it didn’t leave as much moisture in my hair as the cotton t-shirt did. Needless to say for my natural afro hair I have reverted back to using my cotton t-shirt, maybe I left the towel on my hair too long and it ‘wicked’ too much needed moisture away from my hair. If getting your hair dry quickly is something you struggle with, this may be the solution for you.

AQUIS Chevron Lisse Luxe Hair Towel is priced at £30.00.

For more information, please visit the AQUIS website.

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