Five Minutes With Kelly Saynor

Five Minutes With Kelly Saynor


Kelly Saynor is the founder of The Perfect Peel which is the first peel in the world to premiere Glutathione which is an antioxidant that prevents damage to your skin. Most people stop producing their own glutathione around age 40, which makes our bodies less able to fight off toxins.

Therefore The Perfect Peel is the perfect solution. During the day, Kelly is a Specialist Aesthetic Nurse, NIP and Clinical Lead for Medica Forte. She took some time out of her busy schedule to give us an insight into her career.

What made you set up your own aesthetics business?

I have had 12 years of experience in aesthetics, running my own clinics and having launched and published my own magazine for the aesthetics industry, and having trained nurses and doctors setting up a business that offered the ability to train and distribute products I believe in, was the next obvious step for me.

What is the concept behind The Perfect Peel? How does it differ from other facial peels out there?

The Perfect Peel is the first low blended acid peel, that is suitable for all skin types, it is the first ever skin peel to have been created with Glutathione, a master antioxidant with some skin lightening properties to it. No other peel currently offers no skin prep among all skin types.

What sort of research did you do to find out what sort of skin treatments your customers wanted to buy?

This treatment is offered by medical professionals, and patients now demand less downtime with maximum results, something before that was almost impossible to provide. The Perfect Peel manages to offer the benefits of more invasive treatments, like fractional lasering and deep peels in a shorter time, while maintaining astonishing results.

How did you decide on the look and feel of the brand?

With the help of a fantastic creative/marketing team who have worked with M&S, DFS and B&Q, the brand was already concepted in the US, it was just a case of adapting it to fit the high end look and feel it deserved, and bringing it up to date.

What are your future plans for The Perfect Peel?

We are always working with manufacturers to develop and concept new ideas, and The Perfect Peel has some exciting projects in the pipleine, so watch this space.

What are your favourite beauty products?

I am a massive fan of glycolic washes and a really good serum, The Perfect C Serum is amazing at giving me even skin tone and helping with any monthly break outs I’m prone to now and again. I now couldn’t live without it.

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