My Teen Skincare Life by Shevelle Rhule

My Teen Skincare Life by Shevelle Rhule


Shevelle Rhule is the Fashion and Beauty Editor of Pride Magazine, a publication that covers issues aimed women of colour based in the UK. When she is not interviewing celebrities and experts she is shooting fashion and beauty stories and creative directing and styling. She took time out to share her teen skincare life journey with us.

I came across skincare products when I was aged around 10 or 11, that was around the time I because fully aware of wanting to look nice. I had caught chicken pox at that age, which was quite an old age for a child and I remember looking in the mirror (after the worst was over) and trying my sister's and Mum's lotions and potions and make-up to stop myself feeling self-conscious about going back to school with marks on my face.

My influences were my four older sisters; there is over ten years between me and my youngest sister so I really looked up to them and copied pretty much everything they did. When I was a teen I used Clean and Clear, Palmers and St Ives and in regards to make-up, it was Revlon, Rimmel, Black Opal) and Charlie perfume. I was a real wash and go type of girl, i didn't really have any skin issue so tended to do the bare minimum.

Over the years I have learnt that my skin is pretty resilient, I can try most brands without any issues but if I get too lazy it does have the habit of looking flat and lacklustre which always gets me back in check. I definitely care for my skin far more now. I never developed acne or had any skin issue so I was quite lazy in terms of a regime in my teens. Now i worry about hyper-pigmentation, sun damage and ageing so I certainly spend more time analysing my skin and trying brands for my skin needs. I am probably more adventurous and less loyal to brands but that may be more to do with the fact I'm a Fashion and Beauty Editor and always trailing the latest products.

You can follow Shevelle Rhule on Twitter.

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