The Beauty Product I Cannot Live Without - Kris Keys

The Beauty Product I Cannot Live Without - Kris Keys


Kris Keys is an American fashion illustrator and textile designer who is based in London. She has worked with brands such as NARS Cosmetics, Highline New York, Spectrum Cosmetics and WGSN. Last month she launched an exciting project called, Beauty In which contains live female portrait illustrations featuring gorgeous women who live in specific cities and document their thoughts on beauty. Our very own Tunrayo Oyewole is featured in this inspiring project. Kris took time out to tell us about the beauty product she cannot live without.

The beauty product that I absolutely can't live without are makeup Face Wipes. I use them for removing makeup (obviously), patting excess oil from my face during the day, and I always keep some handy when I'm flying. My skin feels dirty after traveling on long flights, so I keep wipes handy to cleanse my face and my hands.

Most days, I wear a tinted moisturiser and an eye shadow which I apply with my fingers, so I use makeup wipes to clean my hands in between applying product. At night, I put a little Coconut Oil on my eyelids and get all of my mascara and eyeliner off with wipes. I keep a pack of Simple Cleansing Wipes or unscented baby wipes in my handbag all the time! I also like Neutrogena's Clean Makeup Cleansing Wipes.

I'm a fashion illustrator, and I often illustrate on the go. Sometimes, I use my wipes to quickly clean my paint brushes if I can't get to a faucet. I'm trying to get better with properly cleaning my makeup brushes more often, but in between uses, I spray a little alcohol on a makeup wipe and swipe my brush until it's clean. When I'm in the States, I try to go to a wholesale store and just buy a box because I go through wipes so quickly. If there's a sale, I definitely get several packs to last throughout the month.

You can follow Kris on Twitter.

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