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Weleda Citrus Hand and Nail Cream

I have a feeling that this hand cream is a bit like marmite and it will divide popular opinion. This is not because of the scent which is gorgeous and fresh without being an overly zingy blend of oranges and lemons. It is not the packing that makes this product like marmite either; the metal tube for me means that it has no memory as plastic tubes do so it can look a bit mangled at the end of the day in a packed bag. It is not the ingredients either - Weleda define themselves as a brand who makes natural cosmetics and pharmaceuticals and they are committed to socio-economic and environmental sustainability. If you suffer from dry skin you will be excited by the ingredients which consists of almond oil, glycerine, carnauba wax and calendula which have amazing skin nourishing and moisturising properties.

This hand cream is described by Weleda as being appropriate for vegetarians, however, it does has lanolin in it. If you do not want to use a product that is made from animal by-products this is not for you. In addition, if you are allergic to wool, there is a possibility that the lanolin in this product may irritate your skin so do try and test the product before making a purchase.

The marmite element of this hand cream is the texture which is very rich and thick. For the record I love it, when you massage it into your skin it is absorbed five seconds later and you are left with beautifully moisturised hands with a beautiful sheen and skin that stays soft until you wash your hands next. Personally I do not find this cream greasy but if you prefer a light texture then this is not going to work for you.

This is a hand cream that you need to take time with, to luxuriate with, really work it into the cuticles and watch the gloss it adds to your nail polish. If your hands work hard during this day this is a great option. I also think that it is a great one for men who neglect their hands. You may choose to use it as your ‘before bed’ hand cream or even put gloves on overnight. If like me you love a thick nourishing moisturising hand cream, this is definitely one for you.

Weleda Citrus Hand and Nail Cream is available from variety of online and retail stockists and costs £9.95.

For more information please visit the website.