What happened at the brownbeautytalk Skincare Masterclass

What happened at the brownbeautytalk Skincare Masterclass

Last Wednesday we hosted our first beauty masterclass which covered skincare where we invited 40 bloggers and Social Media Influencers to meet four skincare brands for a discussion on skincare. 

The aim of the event was to tackle topics such as pigmentation, hyper pigmentation, eczema, sun care and also talk about how to look after your skin on a regular basis.

We invited a group of skincare experts, brand owners and kickass women to take part on the panel. We had Alice Hart-Davis, beauty journalist and co-founder of Good Things which is a skincare range that is effective but also purse friendly. There was Nneka Fleming who created Novel Skincare which is a natural range made from botanical products. Ozohu Adoh is the brains behind, EPARA Skincare which is the first luxury brand aimed at Women of Colour. Antonia Burrell is a skincare maverick whose range is both innovative and sumptuous with the aim of sheer indulgence.

The evening kicked off with the ladies talking about their brands and sharing their expertise on skincare. Alice talked about basic skincare - cleansing, toning, moisturising, exfoliating and deep cleansing. Nneka discussed the benefits of using natural products. Ozohu talked about adult eczema, pigmentation and hyper pigmentation while Antonia shared tips on sun care, sun protection and SPFs.

We then opened the floor up for Q&A where the bloggers and Social Media Influencers asked a lot of insightful questions. Afterwards we had networking where everyone mingled and chatted with the panelists. 

We took away some fantastic gems from the evening.

When looking for a good moisturiser for dry skin to look for one that has multi molecular hylauronic acid in it.

Always double cleanse at night. So wash your face twice to give it a deeper clean.

If you have eczema my advice only cleanse once a day.

Three things affect the skin most are the sun, hormones and trauma melanin.

Stress glands and melatonin production is highest between 10pm to 2am - so make sure you get your beauty sleep. 

Black people naturally have an SPF of 13.

So there you go! We all learned something new!

We would like to thank the wonderful panel for taking part as well as our lovely bloggers and Social Media Influencers who were engaged and passionate about the topic.

Also we would like to give out a massive thanks to our sponsors.

Dimpleboy Cupcakes for those mouthwatering Red Velvet and Double Chocolate cakes.

Savoursmiths for their snacks and Firefly for those refreshing drinks.

Also our beauty sponsors, Crabtree & EvelynUltrasunPalmersSuperdrugSheaMoistureCantublackUpCarron Cosmetics, Urban Veda and Ruuby.

Our magazine sponsors, FROW Magazine and Demur.

Our book sponsors, Harper Collins for copies of Slay in Your Lane by Elizabeth Uviebinené and Yomi Adegoke and Rodial for copies of How to be an Overnight Success by Maria Hatzistefanis

Pictures by Jo Gay from Patent Purple Life and Tasha Glover from Tasha's Face

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